The Challenge
Due to lack of governance, licensing knowledge and ineffective processes, the client lacked visibility around software contracts and was struggling to accurately measure and account for licenses purchased and deployed across 15 major software publishers. The company was also dealing with rapid change in availability of IT resources while undertaking a major migration from on premise to hosted mainframe.
The Solution was able to help the client increase visibility around software contracts and renewals by implementing, configuring and managing an enterprise wide tracking solution for the top 15 software vendors. This solution allowed the client to accurately report license consumption and requirements. We also implemented a plan to review consumption and requirements quarterly, and check license consumption 120 days prior to contract renewals.
The Result
By increasing visibility and being able to accurately report on license consumption was able to help the client realize annual cost savings of $16 million per year for a total of $48 million in cumulative cost avoidance and savings over three years.